Celebrate the magic of the season and honour a cherished family tradition with our premium selection of advent calendars and festive decorations. Our collection features an array of characterful pieces that will fill your home with holiday spirit as you count down the days to Christmas. From Alpine-inspired Forest scenes to whimsical advents, each piece is designed to bring delight. Discover a charming design by German artist Barbara Behr, featuring a montage of 19th and early 20th century scraps, or explore festive scenes from the Royal Horticultural Society and A Christmas Carol. Piece together a Victorian town scene with our advent jigsaw calendar, for bibliophiles, the Bodleian Libraries advent calendar presents a festive collage of 19th and 20th century book covers. Complete your countdown with musical surprises from the musical record advent calendar, the glow of a Nativity advent candle, or a pop-up advent calendar that captures the festive spirit in every detail.
All Christmas All Gifts
All Christmas All Gifts
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Spiked Pillar Candleholder
In stock