Embrace the philosophy of Morris who believed you should 'Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful' with this smart and practical r...
Embrace the philosophy of Morris who believed you should 'Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful' with this smart and practical rectangular tablecloth reproducing ‘Pimpernel’ a wallpaper design by William Morris (1834 -96), which was originally hung in the dining room at Kelmscott House, London. With swirling strokes and a symmetrical design of green foliage, it embodies the reasons why Morris is the most celebrated 19th century designer, with enduring appeal today. English designer, craftsman, poet, and early socialist, Morris's designs for furniture, fabrics, stained glass, wallpaper, and other decorative arts generated the Arts and Crafts movement in England and revolutionized Victorian taste. The Victoria and Albert Museum holds an example of the wallpaper showing an almost symmetrical pattern of entwined pale-green foliage and pimpernel plants with small yellow flowers. It was block-printed in distemper colours, by hand, on paper; and is part of 'Volume 1', a pattern book containing 25 Morris & Co. patterns from 1862-81. Printed on cotton in a contemporary colourway and with a wipe clean acrylic coating, it makes for the perfect tablecloth for any occasion.
Size & Additional Information
Colour: Cream, Blue Green, Dark Blue
PVC-coated cotton
178 x 132cm
Wipe clean
PVC-coated cotton
178 x 132cm
Wipe clean
Overall product rating 5/5
01 July 2024
Service Rating:
The tablecloth looks great in our Victorian kitchen and cleans up well. Very pleased. Thank you
16 March 2024
Service Rating:
This table cloth is attractive and easy to keep clean.
16 May 2023
Service Rating:
It was exactly what I ordered. Well done.