The Big British Railway Journeys Puzzle Book
ITEM CODE: 29767
National Railway Museum
Let the brain take the strain with over 100 railway puzzles and quiz rounds inspired by information drawn from the archives of the Museum. Mixing ...
Let the brain take the strain with over 100 railway puzzles and quiz rounds inspired by information drawn from the archives of the Museum. Mixing ...
National Railway Museum
Let the brain take the strain with over 100 railway puzzles and quiz rounds inspired by information drawn from the archives of the Museum. Mixing themed trivia quizzes, anagrams, crossword, number puzzles, logic and spatial-challenges, discover the history of stations, iconic trains and classic train journeys around Britain as you ponder each puzzle. From the location of the longest station bench and railway jargon; to chilling tales of murder on the railways and historic first journeys by the Flying Scotsman and Penydarren: a quiz collection to delight railway enthusiasts of all ages.
Let the brain take the strain with over 100 railway puzzles and quiz rounds inspired by information drawn from the archives of the Museum. Mixing themed trivia quizzes, anagrams, crossword, number puzzles, logic and spatial-challenges, discover the history of stations, iconic trains and classic train journeys around Britain as you ponder each puzzle. From the location of the longest station bench and railway jargon; to chilling tales of murder on the railways and historic first journeys by the Flying Scotsman and Penydarren: a quiz collection to delight railway enthusiasts of all ages.
Size & Additional Information
23.5 x 15.5cm
231 pages
With black-and-white puzzle grids and diagrams
Includes solutions
FSC accredited paper
23.5 x 15.5cm
231 pages
With black-and-white puzzle grids and diagrams
Includes solutions
FSC accredited paper
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Puzzles & Brainteasers for Gardeners
In stock
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The Official Agatha Christie Puzzle Book
{"30286":{"default_sku":"1","lead_text":"","list_price":"1699","local_inventory":"57","option1":"","option2":"","option3":"","sku":"30286","sort_price":"1699","stock":"IN_STOCK","tax_vat_included":"1","tax_vat_rate":"ZER","variant_average_rating":"0","variant_color":"","variant_name":"The OS Puzzle Book Legends & Landmarks","variant_no_of_reviews":"0","variant_pf_id":"30286","variant_urlkeyphrase":"all-books/the-os-puzzle-book-legends-landmarks","voption1":"","voption2":"","voption3":""}}
The OS Puzzle Book Legends & Landmarks
In stock