Royal Horticultural Society
A lively plant lover’s collection of 101 quizzes, games and puzzles, all themed around gardens, plants and elegantly illustrated with botanica...
A lively plant lover’s collection of 101 quizzes, games and puzzles, all themed around gardens, plants and elegantly illustrated with botanica...
Royal Horticultural Society
A lively plant lover’s collection of 101 quizzes, games and puzzles, all themed around gardens, plants and elegantly illustrated with botanical details and colourful photographs. Mixing tests of horticultural trivia with anagrams, logic puzzles, spot-the-difference, dot-to-dot, picture clues, and more, the book will entertain and inform experienced and novice gardeners alike. Themed sections offer challenges on kitchen gardening, heroes of horticulture, wildlife, botany, plant identification, gardening techniques; plus gardens, garden designs and features from around the world. A perfect companion in the potting shed when taking a break from garden tasks, and certain to show which gardeners know their onions from their alliums.
A lively plant lover’s collection of 101 quizzes, games and puzzles, all themed around gardens, plants and elegantly illustrated with botanical details and colourful photographs. Mixing tests of horticultural trivia with anagrams, logic puzzles, spot-the-difference, dot-to-dot, picture clues, and more, the book will entertain and inform experienced and novice gardeners alike. Themed sections offer challenges on kitchen gardening, heroes of horticulture, wildlife, botany, plant identification, gardening techniques; plus gardens, garden designs and features from around the world. A perfect companion in the potting shed when taking a break from garden tasks, and certain to show which gardeners know their onions from their alliums.
Size & Additional Information
23.5 x 17.5cm
192 pages
Illustrated throughout with colour and black-and-white photos, botanical details and puzzle grids
Includes solutions
FSC accredited paper
23.5 x 17.5cm
192 pages
Illustrated throughout with colour and black-and-white photos, botanical details and puzzle grids
Includes solutions
FSC accredited paper
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The Official Agatha Christie Puzzle Book
In stock
{"30286":{"default_sku":"1","lead_text":"","list_price":"1699","local_inventory":"65","option1":"","option2":"","option3":"","sku":"30286","sort_price":"1699","stock":"IN_STOCK","tax_vat_included":"1","tax_vat_rate":"ZER","variant_average_rating":"0","variant_color":"","variant_name":"The OS Puzzle Book Legends & Landmarks","variant_no_of_reviews":"0","variant_pf_id":"30286","variant_urlkeyphrase":"all-books/the-os-puzzle-book-legends-landmarks","voption1":"","voption2":"","voption3":""}}
The OS Puzzle Book Legends & Landmarks
In stock
Overall product rating 5/5
01 April 2024
Service Rating:
Bought as a gift . Very well received.