Fear Stalks the Village

ITEM CODE: 30100
The British Library
An evocative, British mystery from the 1930s: a golden age of crime writing. Shame and scandal haunt the streets of a - seemingly - idyllic village in...
Fear Stalks the Village
The British Library
An evocative, British mystery from the 1930s: a golden age of crime writing. Shame and scandal haunt the streets of a - seemingly - idyllic village in the Downs when a series of poison pen letters begin circulating. From the village rector to Decima Asprey, the village’s grande dame, no-one’s reputation is safe as a dark mystery and old secrets come to light. With mistrust and death following in the letters’ wake, amateur sleuth Ignatius Brown attempts to track down the source of the wickedness and restore peace to the community. Originally published in 1932, a tale which revels in stripping the civilised veneer from village life by Monmouthshire author Ethel Lina White (1876-1944).
Size & Additional Information
19 x 13cm
299 pages
FSC accredited paper
Originally published in 1932, text reflects attitudes of the time
Overall product rating 5/5
03 February 2025
Service Rating:
Was very good and I thoroughly enjoyed it.